Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

Advancing the Gospel in Haiti

Baptist Haiti Mission works to advance the gospel in Haiti through the church, education, medical care, and socio-economic development

Haiti is hurting, watch and learn how to help

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world, but it is also a place of the richest opportunity.

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With Your Generosity

we have accomplished much for Haiti


Together we have built over 350 churches through Haiti which serve a population of over 1 million.


We operate 240 schools in Haiti. This represents over 30,000 children and 1650 teachers and support staff. 


Our hospital serves 1000s of people yearly and performs over 300 free surgeries for the community.


We are committed to serving the desperate humanitarian needs across Haiti, and alongside this work sharing the endless hope of the gospel.


"In 1990, I left my village and family with a book bag and some clothes. BHM provided a home and support needed to finish high school. Through this mission I built character and 15 years later I returned to the mountains with a medical license and built a community clinic that still operates today. " - Dr Claude Louis MD

“The Baptist Haiti Mission changed my life. I got to complete all my education -from Kindergarten to college -through the educational and sponsorship program offered through BHM. I was immensely blessed by this Christian education." - Roodlyne Pierre, B.S. Human Resource Management

“Fermathe Hospital is a referral hospital that saves the lives of thousands of people in Haiti. Coming from Baie-de-Henne where there is no health center, my family and community members took unpaved roads to get medical care in Fermathe. Few years ago, I was admitted to Fermathe hospital, unlike the other health centers, patients are not neglected. The health workers at Fermathe hospital are engaged and their main objective is to improve the health of patients. -Tsadok Dalien

Our Mission

Baptist Haiti Mission works to advance the gospel in Haiti through the church, education, medical care, and socio-economic development.


“For the son of man did not come to be served but to serve;” to serve is to replicate Christ. At BHM our service and mission is a reflection of God’s love to those we serve. Our hope is that our actions continue to draw other people Christ.


We desire to see the fostering of spiritual maturity among the people of Haiti just as Christ mentored and instructed his own disciples. As the individuals of the church are equipped and empowered so also will the church be strengthened.



Our mission is rooted in spreading the gospel. As a result, we seek to aid in the development of local churches so they may be equipped for every good work that God wills them to do


100% of your donation will go directly to BHM schools, churches, and medical care.